0844 477 5020* Information/Bookings
£0.05/min plus network extras


66 Durham Road, Blackhill

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To Whom It May Concern

We are a local North East charity called Small Steps – Seize the Day who help and support families with children who have epilepsy and development delay. Epilepsy effects over 500 children in the North East alone and as a registered charity from 2011 it is ran by mothers of children who have epilepsy. Small steps – seize the Day dedicates its time not only by offering invaluable support to their families. They also provide essential equipment such as video monitors, non-suffocating pillows and seizure alarms that can be lifesaving.

To keep our charity going to be able to provide such support we rely strongly on our fundraising events and on the 20th October, the Cricketers at Blackhill, Consett is holding an event. On the day they are raffle and anything you can donate to help towards continuing to support the charity would be greatly appreciated. These donations are not only vital to help us to continue to support our families, they help us provide respite and days out as a family that are sometimes not possible.