0844 477 5020* Information/Bookings
£0.05/min plus network extras


12 South Way Claverings Industrial Estate
N9 0AB

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For the attention of the fund-raising and donations department

My name is Kym Julian, I am writing on behalf of LYRC a local registered charity set up in Enfield working in partnership with the Metropolitan Police to provide interventions for young people.

Last year your organization was so kind and offered a donation at our last event held in October 2012, and your contribution assisted in the event being a huge success. As you may be aware, may for our young people are vulnerable and at risk of knife gun and drug crime, we offer a rich diversity of personal and social development opportunities.

Any donation that your business would be willing to make will be much appreciated to help us fund-raising and implement our future projects. The donations would be part of our Grand Raffle to be held on the night.

If you have no objections we would like to keep you informed with regular updates on the progress of our projects and also with your permission we would like to advertise at our event that you were one of our sponsors.